It is autumn and the evenings start earlier and cool gradually. Winter is fast approaching. So what gardeners look forward in autumn? To prepare for winter, of course! Autumn is a good time for transplanting work because the soil has sufficient moisture due to regular rains. The earth is still warm, so plants still have enough time to get used to their new position and to develop new roots.
The bulbs can be planted on fall, so their flowers germinate from the ground at the right time and on spring, you can enjoy their explosion of color. The correct position is crucial to rapidly develop and flourish. During the spring, most prefer moist and fresh soil, but in summer, the latency period, the soil may be dry and porous. The bulbs should be planted in the ground to a depth of two to three times greater than their height. Then place the bulbs in the ground with the tip pointing up, cover them with soil and press.
Cutting bushes, shrubs and perennial herbaceous plants
When shrubs turn yellow when their stems begin to seed, it is time to be cut. The reason is that plants get their nutrients back to their roots. If not cut, could rot.
Bushes and shrubs can be cut but should remain at a quarter to its original size. However, this may vary depending on the type of bush, and the bush. Find more information on labels or to store gardening plants in the area.
Cutting hedges
Hedges must be cut on fall for the last time, to prevent waterclogging. Cut deciduous hedges as much as you can without creating holes in them, because they will not grow back over the winter, and the fence will look barren. Also remove tree leaves placed on the hedge; otherwise it won’t get enough fresh and incorruptible air.
On winter, humidity, low temperatures and low light affect the lawn. For this reason, the pitch needs “love” and care before the start of the winter plagues. In autumn, when the leaves fall, they should be removed from the lawn constantly. Leaves left on the lawn will deprive it of light and encourage the formation of dry, brown mosses growth. Mow the lawn for the last time in early November. Make sure the grass is cut less than 5 cm as longer grass can better use a smaller amount of light. This will ensure better resistance against weeds and mosses.
Also, it is recommended to use fertilizer in autumn. Autumn fertilizers usually have a low nitrogen content and a higher level of potassium. Increased amount of potassium Empowers grass and increases its resistance to frost. Lawn fertilizers should not be used traditionally on fall because they contain too much nitrogen and causes grass to grow faster, making it more susceptible to frost. Naturally, there are other small things that need to be made before the first frost:
• Layers, roses and other susceptible plants to frost should be covered with twigs or leaves or covered with protective film.
• Remove summer bulbs such as the dahlia, and store them in a ventilated box in the basement.
• Bring the pots indoors or place them in a sheltered place.
• Close the water connections and empty taps and watering devices so that frozen water don’t cause damage.
• Remove pond pumps and, if necessary, install a anti frosting pump.