How to protect against pests

How to protect against pests

Aphids mainly damage young plants, extracting the cell sap. At the same time exudes a poison that curls the leaves. Due to the formation of “shelters” in leaf, which can be easily seen in the tops of the branches, the aphids are better protected against birds and other predators of garden and, often, save at least a couple that perpetuate the species. Since aphids weaken the plant by sucking sap, wrinkled tops of the branches lead to deformed branches.

In decorative and fruit gardens, this is not desirable, since trees are essential to proper growth, either for aesthetic reasons or in terms of fruit production.

Aphids have consequences if their saliva transfers to plant harmful viruses. They can cause damage widespread, especially in orchards or professional rose gardens. It must be said that the aphid honeydew plays an important role: as aphids reproduce very quickly, especially in favorable conditions, they need proteins. They derive their protein requirements from the plant juices and excrete carbohydrates (sugars to) contained therein, as nectar. This is just amazing, because the plants are representatives of global sugar producers, and many animals, including us humans, we use sugar to accumulate proteins. This is why we tend to eat plants, but mostly aphids throw them!

Nectar is now used by ants (and flies) as food. So ants behave aphids similarly to the way we treat cows: they “milk” aphids to obtain nectar. To do this, ants intentionally place aphids on plants, distributing them in the garden, taking care of them, and even defending them.
If ants do not eat honeydew, it spans the plants affected by aphids and is then colonized by fumagine, which consume it. For this reason we often discover aphids on plants only at late stages when fumagine that covers the plant becomes visible.

Before learning how to get rid of aphids, let’s study their life cycle so astounding and fascinating. In winter, the aphids survive as eggs, which is why they are eliminated at this stage in the orchards. From the egg comes out a so-called mother, who procreates asexually! This creates aphid “virgins”, usually without wings, although some have wings and can move more easily on other host plants, thus ensuring faster multiplication of these insects in the wild, on agricultural land, forests and gardens. Only to fall, these insects produce exclusively feminine males, all through virgin birth. Aphids mate and eggs laid by the last female generation of the year, when the sexual generation is changing, allow aphids to multiply again next year. Analyzing aphids’ biology, it is obvious that the attempt to exterminate all the aphids from a garden is an enormous work. After the last was destroyed, another will surely fly off somewhere or will be submitted by ants.

Prevent aphids by excluding them wherever possible. The vents in greenhouses can be covered with dense mesh, ensuring adequate ventilation and, and at the same time not allowing aphids. Apply the same principle to vegetable gardens by using fleece to cover the vegetables. Wool not only creates a microclimate that encourages growth, but also provides effective protection against aphids. Some varieties of plants around the hous are resistant to aphids, such as lettuce plants. You can choose intentionally to grow such varieties. These include the following varieties, listed by lettuce type (source: Bavarian Institute for Viticulture and Gardening, Veitshöchheim):
Head lettuce type “Casanova”, “Fiorella”, “Irina”, “Jiska”, “Osaka”, “Estelle”
Iceberg lettuce: “Barcelona,” “Bennie,” “Fortunas”
Salad miniaiceberg “Minas”
Roman salad “wire”, “Smile”
Salad “butter head”: “Leny”
Lollo Bionda “Bartender”, “Lorenzo”
Lollo Rossa ‘Solsun ”
Endive “Bentley”

If raspberries case, which also is known as a victim of aphids, choose varieties that are not so attractive to aphids, although not resistant. For example, the old variety ‘Schönemann “often suffers because aphids than modern varieties” Rumiloba’ and ‘Autumn Bliss’. How to effectively combat the aphids: In addition to preventative measures can combat aphids directly with the help of various compounds. In this case, it is important to select compounds according to protect useful insects and the necessary waiting period, especially in the case of plants you intend to eat them. Waiting period: Amount of time that must elapse after using the compound to combat aphids before you can use in the kitchen treated plant without health risks you find this information in the instruction leaflet of the compound. In case of natural ingredients (eg. Potash soap or natural oils) used on pesticides such as those produced by Neudorff, include Neudosan, Spruzit and Raptol waiting period may be non-existent or very small. For more information, ask your specialist suppliers of pesticides.

When smoking was common, grandfather used to put a cigarette butt into the water and leave it overnight. The resulting solution was thinned with a little more water, then spread on leaves to prevent aphids. But because nicotine is a very effective poison that attacks the nervous system and heart, grandfather method is no longer permitted by the German Pesticide Act and was only used on decorative plants, never the edible.
However, what can we learn from Grandpa’s garden is how to encourage beneficial insects. I talk about attracting birds by installing wooden nests. Even sparrows, which are believed that corrupt the young plants, are excellent aphid devourers during the hatching and breeding. Encouraging useful animals also means encouraging useful insects. Encourage flies gardens by planting daisies. These insects feed on pollen and daisies lay their eggs near aphids; After they hatch, the larvae gobble aphids. Also flies in the garden, weevils, flies, mosquitoes and wasps galas are also useful.

How To Protect Against Pests