How to maintain your water garden during autumn

How to maintain your water garden during autumn

Clear water to the bottom of the pond, fish, shellfish and crustaceans, all perfectly visible in the water, surrounded by beautiful plants from the edge of the pond – all this makes the water garden to be very funny. If there were no exasperating algae problem! If you look carefully, you may be surprised to find that those beautiful plants around the pond affect water quality.

This becomes evident on autumn: Leaves falling from trees to water are carried by the wind and the leaves and twigs of shrubs, formerly bowed gracefully over the water, begin to die and sink into the pond. Often autumn rains carry soil and dead leaves in the garden pond. If at this moment you do nothing, all kinds of debris in the garden will permeate naturally to your aquatic garden. With fatal consequences. Anything that breaks down into water is twice as dangerous. It is certain that rotting in water produces fermentation gases which, when dissolved, can endanger fish if gas exchange is no longer possible because the lake forms an ice crust. Debris from the decomposition of plant releases in water their deposits of nutrients, which are really a negative factor. These nutrients feed the algae in the next year.

The most important rule of water gardens is therefore to prevent plants and nutrients to reach the water. To do this, spread a leaf net over the pond and rivers, to capture larger objects. Clean plants around the garden so that the dried leaves do not fall into the water. Expandable scissors are useful for this task because you can comfortably cut plants further from shore without getting wet. With long handles, clamps can now be used to find and remove plants which have fallen into the water. Wilted stems of shrubs and herbaceous plants can be left on the plant if there is no risk that they will fall into the water because of the wind or snow. Garden insects like to spend the winter in them. Cut the stems in mid or late March and store them somewhere in the garden until the end of April so that the insects may leave them. Remaining stalks will look beautiful during autumn and winter, when are dry or covered with snow, especially if these are enlightened with dark ambient light (garden lamps).

Pumping removal of sediment or debris has no noticeable effects at this time. Fish and other natural inhabitants like to spend the winter hidden in the mud. If frost is strong, to ensure vital gas exchange as mentioned earlier, it is necessary to keep the pool open in some places, with an ice protection. You also need to make sure that a sufficient portion of shrubs, reeds and grass stems pierce the ice. Under the ice, they come in contact with water, thereby allowing gas exchange in spite of the ice, functioning as a straw.

The indoor plants and plants from greenhouses are also in the growth stage, so do not forget to fertilize them regularly until October. For green plants use food for green plants, and for those with flowers, food for flowering plants, the latter containing more phosphorus to support flowering.

How to maintain your water garden during autumn
