How to remove garden weeds naturally

How to remove garden weeds naturally

There are hardly gardeners who like weeds in the garden. However, even if they are a real problem for you, no need to immediately resort to chemical solutions. Weeds can be removed in a more gentle way. So, no creatures or environment will suffer. If you appreciate the garden that is in harmony with nature, it is recommended to avoid using synthetic chemical agents.

In any case, the use of such substances is prohibited on paved or sealed surfaces, such as garage driveway because pollutants can reach the groundwater.

Dandelions, wild nettles and other weeds are often uninvited guests in the gardens because it could compete with ornamental plants for nutrients, light and water. They are true survivors as it can adapt to excellent habitat conditions in which they grow. Often it is much easier to prevent weeds if you know what type of soil is preferred. Wild nettles, for example, prefer soil with nitrogen and rich in nutrients, buttercup prefers permanent moisture and creeping grass grows particularly on walked soil. In general, the weeds are different depending on the type of propagation: the roots or seed. In order to effectively control weeds on long term, you should know what category they belong to.

Weeds that multiply by seed:
Generally, they bloom for a summer. But in this way they create a lot of seeds that can hibernate in the ground for many years afterwards. Can reappear after digging and then germinate again. Cutting weeds when they are blooming stimulates growth, so gardeners get exactly the opposite result to what they want. It is better to wait 2-3 weeks before sowing or planting in the spring. Then you can remove many of the weeds that germinate before. To do this, simply uproot unwanted plants. If they have not bloomed yet, they are useful even in the form of compost that can be used in noble purpose. Typical examples of weeds that multiply by seed: shepherd’s purse, chickweed, wild spinach and plantain-narrow.
Weeds that multiply by root:
They are spread in particular underground via the roots, and only a few through the roots. If you leave a piece of the root in the ground when you uproot the plant this weed will soon appear. Unlike weeds that multiply by seed, they must not be put in the compost heap, because there is no certainty that the pieces of root are destroyed during the process of composting. Typical examples of weeds which are growing through roots: temporary grass, dandelions and creeping grass.

To avoid the use of chemicals to destroy weeds, we recommend the old established methods, such as plucking, covering with a layer of debris or heat-based technique.  Uprooting weeds by hand is not always practical if the plants are too many. Weeds with shallow roots can be easily snatched. According to the principle that “where there is no light, nothing grows” covering with a layer of debris is a good way to control weeds. If the soil is covered, weeds cannot grow. Singeing is another effective method to destroy weeds. This is particularly useful in places where you cannot dig. However, only experienced gardeners can try this method because it can be harmful to soil organisms. The heat takes only a few seconds, but completely destroy weeds in a few days.

Note: Not all weeds are harmful. Some weeds are so-called “pioneer plants”, such as dandelions and thistles. Their strong roots aerate the soil and gather nutrients from deeper layers of the earth, allowing other plants to live later. Many weeds are a major source of food for insects and birds . So you need to think seriously if weeds are a problem so you can take targeted action in the right places.

How to remove garden weeds naturally