My neighbour has a row of roses, which he took as cuttings. I asked how he took them. He simply plunges the cuttings into the ground. But his secret of success is the humble potato! Before planting cuttings, he pushes the bottom end into a small potato, which he believes keeps the cuttings moist as they develop roots. It sounds [ Read More ]
Archive for July, 2013
Fill a quart jar with a 1/2 inch of apple cider vinegar and a small piece of banana. Roll up your paper into a funnel shape (larger at the top) and tape it in place. Place the funnel into your jar and make sure all the edges are secured shut with tape. You may have to adjust the size of [ Read More ]
When to Plant : Plant in fall, about 6 weeks before hard frost. Set large, firm individual cloves point up in well-prepared soil, burying cloves an inch or two below ground level in mild zones, and at twice that depth in cold-winter areas. Watering : Keep area weeded and watered. Soil : Organic rich, well drained. Days to Harvest : [ Read More ]
Borax is the most common ingredient in house ant control products, and get this: it’s absolutely 100% natural. The best way (in my opinion) to use Borax is to mix 1 cup of warm water with 1/2 cup of sugar, and 2 tablespoons of Borax. Then soak the Borax mixture up with cotton balls or put it in a container [ Read More ]
When to Plant : For a head start, plant seeds indoors 6 weeks before the last frost. Peppers can be planted outdoors when frost is no longer a threat and the soil is reasonably warm. Watering : Water regularly, but too much water will result in much milder hot peppers. Soil : Moist, rich, and well drained. Days to Harvest [ Read More ]
Peppers by Heat Scale : Bhut Jolokia (Scoville 1,000,000) Red Savina (up to Scoville 580,000) Habanero (Scoville 500,000) Scotch Bonnet (Scoville 250,000) Malagueta (Scoville 100,000) Murupi (Scoville 60,000) Fidalga (Scoville 50,000) Pimenta-de-bode (Scoville 50,000) Cayenne (up to Scoville 50,000) Tabasco (up to Scoville 50,000) Cumari (up to Scoville 50,000) Pimenta-de-cheiro (Scoville 20,000) Dedo-de-Moça (Scoville 15,000) Jalapeño (Scoville 5,000) Guajillo (Up [ Read More ]
When to Plant : Beans are sensitive to cold and do not transplant well. Direct-sow seed outdoors when all danger of frost has passed. You can sow seed every 2 to 4 weeks for continuous harvesting. The Soil : Good topsoil enriched with organic matter is neccessary. Fertilizing : Fertilize throughout the season with an organic vegetable fertilizer. Watering : [ Read More ]
A Simple Do It Yourself Soil Test Perform your soil test by placing a sample into two separate cups or containers. Add vinegar to one. If it fizzes your soil is alkaline. If not, add some water to the second cup and stir. Add baking soda. If it fizzes you have acidic soil. If neither have a reaction your soil [ Read More ]