How simple it would be if every time you need the onions for cooking and just simply take one and grow another in his place.
Of course you can buy onions in any supermarket, but you never have enough information about the circumstances in which they grown. One solution could be growing onions at home, we can, but not everyone lives in a house with garden, but now we present a method that works in the kitchen, and everybody has a kitchen.
– A large PET bottle
– scissors
– onion bulbs
– soil
– water
How you do it:
Use scissors to cut off the neck of the bottle, then cut holes in the side of the bottle.
Be careful with the size of the holes, they need to be big enough for the onion bulbs.
Then placed the onion in the holes with the end outside the hole and fill it up with soil.
Water the soil and then put the bottle in front of a window to get light.
Wonderful! Thank you so much!
very interesting thank you!!
How do you get the onions out? Don't they grow and become larger than the hole you cut to plant them in?
I’d like someone to explain how this creates more onions. It seems to me all it’s making is onion greens… which are still tasty, but it doesn’t create more actual onions.
i believe the idea is to endless supply of green onions. The original onions will not get bigger.
First you are pushing the onion bulb in so most of the bulb grows outside the bottle as shown in the picture. Second you leave the onion grow until it matures, then it will be an onion and not just green onions. Third when you pull a mature onion out you may have to stuff a little dirt back in the hole and then insert a new onion set in the now empty spot.
Maybe you aught to just buy onions. I thought the directions pretty simple, and the picture self explanatory
What a great idea”…..thanks for sharing:-)
I Love the idea. But what is a PET bottle?
PET = Polyethylene terephthalate = Plastic
Praise be Hester! I am an idiot. I didn’t understand ’til now. Thank you!!
Also consider that onions split. I imagine if you gave your onions enough room in the soil and enough time, they will have more than one sprout per onion. When you use them, just split the two apart and return the smaller of the two to the soil to grow bigger.
This is a great idea. Question – it says cut the neck off the bottle. But the pictures show the neck of the bottle intact and with a handle. If you’re cutting the holes in the side, why would you need to cut the neck off? Thanks
By cutting the neck you will be able to handle the layers of soil and position the onions better. You don’t have to cut all the neck, just enough to bend it so you can put your hand inside.