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How To Re-grow Lemongrass

Growing lemongrass is child’s play. All you need to do is plonk the stalks that you buy at the supermarket into a jar filled...

Planting Seeds in Egg Cartons

If you have a bunch of egg cartons with punched holes in the bottom, for drainage. Cut out a panel from the lid on...

Test your soil: acidic or alkaline

DIY test for acidic or alkaline soil. 1.Scoop some soil into a container. Then, add a half-cup of vinegar. If the soil bubbles or fizzes,...

How to plant an avocado tree

How to : Eat an avocado (fun part) Clean-off the pit Suspend it over a dish of water with toothpicks (half-submerged) Wait 3 to 6 weeks for it...

Flower Guide

Choosing flowers for a special occasions can be challenging with all the flower choices available today. If you don’t know what you want, take...

Crop Rotation Chart

Growing the same crop in the same place for many years in a row disproportionately depletes the soil of certain nutrients. With rotation, a...

LED Solar String Lights

I have been so stumped for lighting in our yard, with no outlets available. These are perfect. The strand is so long, I only...

Planting Equisetum in pots

Love this idea for multiple reasons : - Equisetum grows so quickly and make even the newest newbie of a gardener feel accomplished and...

Metal Garden Border Edging

The simplest and most subtle borders that effectively separate your lawn from a garden are 4-in.deep strips of steel, aluminum or plastic. They all...

PVC gravity feed drip irrigation

Drill two rows of holes, each row being about 25° off the top centerline of the pipe. Space the holes about 4 per square...

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Recycled Tractor Tire Pond

If you are thinking about making a pond for your garden, here you can learn how to do it without any risks taken. For...