Self Watering Containers

Why would you spend money on something that you can easily build yourself? And why won’t you start building something which is easy, if that something will save you time and work? There is an easy way to make yourself some self watering containers for your plants and flowers. This is something that could really help you with your gardening and you don’t have to spend money on it! Here is how. 

You need 2 liter bottles, potting soil, seeds, thick string or yarn (either cotton or poly seems to work).
How To :

  • Cut the bottle in half.
  • Use a Phillips screwdriver and a hammer to punch a hole in the center of the bottle cap.
  • Cut a length of yarn/string about 1′-1.5′ long, double it over and tie a loop on one end.
  • Thread the yarn/string through the hole in the bottle cap so that the knot is on the inside of the cap.
  • Add potting soil and seeds…
  • You need to water the soil from the top the first time in order to make sure that it is uniformly wet and that the string also is wet.
Self Watering Containers

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