How to use autumn leaves in the garden

How to use autumn leaves in the garden

When trees lose their colorful autumn cloak and the soil is covered with variegated leaves, the question is: “What do I do with all this foliage? It may be left there or be removed? ” Wet leaves are dangerous if left on the terrace or on paved areas, as they form a slippery brown carpet. For this reason, the leaves have to be cleaned on all paths.

And fallen leaves should be removed from tender shoots, the grass on the lawn and perennial plants because plants can rot due to damp leaves. The lack of light creates unpleasant brown spots in the lawn.

But leaves are not harmful everywhere. A layer of up to 10 cm can accumulate, for example, in trees, bushes, shrubs and flowers and vegetables, clean layers. Ideally, the leaves were carefully placed in layers and covered with less soil, so as not to be blown by the wind, and the decomposition to be accelerated. Following these steps will ensure rapid formation of fresh and rich humus, which in the spring will help the plants to bloom in all their glory. Rapid decomposition of leaves with flowering shrubs and other plants fruits are best suited for this procedure, soil greasing. With this very smart method of using a large quantity of leaves, they become nutrients and organic fertilizers. A wrapper leaf that covers keeps the heat and isolates plants, protecting them from cold temperatures. However, remember to remove the remaining leaves on spring, to allow the plants to receive enough fresh oxygen and light.

Another good idea for recycling leaves is to make nests for hedgehogs. This will protect these animals, whereas in some European countries hedgehogs are already on the list of endangered species, especially because of all the opportunities to nest and shelter were removed following the meticulous work of garden cleaning. So why not make a small mound of leaves and twigs? This small animal active in the evening and at night, you will certainly reward you. The larvae, earthworms, spiders and snails are part of the menu items of this little gardener help. Therefore, hedgehogs can help you keep some of garden insects and beetles. And since hedgehogs do not particularly like vegetables you do not have to worry about your layers of fruit or vegetables!

Autumn leaves are therefore not only some uncomfortable debris that should be thrown away from our gardens. In fact, quite the contrary: with suitable advice and recommendations, you can save a lot of money that you would otherwise spend on humus and fertilizer at the same time, and you will have an active role in the protection of animals, giving hedgehogs a cozy place to stay.

How To Use Autumn Leaves In The Garden