4 ideas for a mysterious garden

4 ideas for a mysterious garden

Sometimes we miss a small detail, which, set properly, it can turn a beautiful garden into a real gem; It requires a little time and effort, but the effect is maximum.

No1 idea: Flowers for freshness
Gorgeous flower beds are the cornerstone of a beautiful garden. If you have some clean spaces, annual plants like marigold, chocolate flowers (Cosmos atrosanguineus) or zinnias very well fill the space and can be planted easily.

However, flowerbeds where flowers were arranged carefully and deliberately, create special results. The combination of tones of different perennial herbaceous plants like Liatris, Allium, Phlox and Oriental poppies, creates a fresh and stimulating effect. In addition, if you vary shapes and heights of flowers you will create a true feast for the eyes.
No 2 idea: miniature oasis
Water adds a touch of freshness to any garden. It is attractive, sooths and has a soothing effect. With a little imagination, you can turn your dream into reality using just a few square meters of space. Combining tropical water lilies in Asian glass containers with papyrus and golden irises, for example, their Oriental aura will charm you. Zinc gutters and wooden barrels in which are planted Scheuchzeria, kingcup and Pondeteria immediately attract attention.
No 3 idea: Margins of different shapes for a green carpet
Pride and joy is the opportunity of many amateur gardeners: a green well maintained lawn. However, if you choose a square or rectangular lawn, the effect can be quite boring. Uneven layers with an impressive variety of plants add a touch of extravagance. Even small groups of trees and shrubs can be planted on a lawn in a later time, creating a point of interest as they hide the behind areas.

No 4 idea: Ingenious screen for a comfortable place
You don’t have to feel exposed in your little paradise as in an aquarium. Trellises with climbing ornamental plants, shrubs and tall hedges provide a sophisticated protection against prying eyes. Iron walls and plants are ideal if you do not have much room. It also creates the sensation of space. Perennial climbing plants such as roses and honeysuckle form such structures, giving rise to a flourishing artwork that draws attention to it and simultaneously cover the back space. Often exotic plants, such as pipe-Dutchman (Aristolochia littoralis) and graceful passion flower create a very pleasant atmosphere in rest areas.

4 ideas for a mysterious garden