Christmas Tree Care Tips

Christmas Tree Care Tips

For many of us, decorating Christmas tree is a compulsory element of Christmas. Most European Christmas trees are raised in Denmark. South transport trees start since the end of October. Pine or spruce arrived in your living room already went a long way. That means proper care of your tree is very important if you want to enjoy it fully.

Choosing a Christmas tree
Most available Christmas trees are pines and spruces. The most important difference between them is simple: Pines have soft needles, while spruces are prickly to the touch. This feature makes them less pleasing. In addition, spruces lose more needles than pines.
The freshness of a cut Christmas tree can be seen from the freshness of the cut, which is noticeable only by experts. Spruces which already lost needles are certainly older, as well as pines whose branches are wilting at the top. As local traders do not have Christmas trees to sell local trees but can import them easily, you have to look closely at the trees to assess how fresh are the ones you are given. Of course most fresh Christmas trees come directly from the plantation where they grew up.

Storing trees before Christmas
The best way to store the tree until adornment is out, preferably in a dry place such as a garage. Tree holders that let you add water keep the tree fresh. Tree holders pedal-operated clamp are easier to use: place holder, fasten the clip in position and  you’re done! Ask the seller to cut trees trunk on the right diameter according to your support, so you do not need at home to attack the tree with a saw and an ax.
Christmas trees with root
The following information are important for Christmas trees with roots, whether they come from a nursery or from your own garden: During the winter rest, the tree must be acclimatized to the temperature in the living room step by step (for example, out 0 ° C, then in the garage / cellar at 10 ° C and, finally, in the living room at 20 ° C). And do not forget to make moisture! Repeat the process in reverse when you place the tree back in the garden. This ensures the chance that your tree to survive its winter tour in your living room. There are also great differences in terms of quality regarding Christmas trees with root:

Option 1: The tree was cultivated without being replanted regularly. Then it was removed from the ground and stuffed into a plastic container. The result is strong roots which have the thickness of a finger. Often they come out of the pot.

Option 2: The tree was replanted regularly, having the opportunity to develop many roots in the smallest spaces; when tree root is transferred to its new planting space, trees can grow better than the option 1. Another important factor is the quality and quantity of grass from the container or from the soil.

Christmas Tree Care Tips