Secrets to growing tomatoes
Plant tomatoes where they will get at least 10 hours of light in summer. Alternate your tomato bed between even just two spots and you...
Geranium Budworm Control
Those worms on your geraniums are The larvae of a small, beige moth called Heliothis virescens or Helicoverpa virescens, which feeds especially on Nicotiana...
How to Make a Succulent Garden
How to : First fill your pot with cacti potting mix. Wet your sphagnum moss. Then squeeze any exess water out. Then put on top of the...
Seed Spacing Template
How to make a seed spacing template: Take a 2' wide piece of plywood and we cut it 2' x 2', then measure it into...
How to Plan Your Square Foot Garden
The basic square-foot gardening are: 1. Arrange your garden in squares, not rows. Lay it out in 4′x4′ planting areas. 2. Build boxes to hold a...
Raised-bed vegetable garden
How to: Step 1: Set up raised-bed boxes. We choose five cedar boxes called miniframbox you can get them from Amazon. Step 2: Fill the boxes...
Forcing Paperwhites Bulbs in Water
Are you in need for a new, fancy decoration for your home or garden? Do you prefer Paperwhites? Would you prefer the costs to...
Seed Planting Tool
Materials you'll need for this project: One sheet of pegboard - 2-foot by 4-foot dimension (you will use half of it) One sheet of good quality...