How to protect plants from freezing

How to protect plants from freezing

Whether there are vigorous potted plants, roses or evergreen plants: you can provide your favorite plants winter protection in just a few steps. Mother Nature ensures that garden plants have some protection against ice and cold: leaves, snow and pine needles fall on layers, forming a warm and protective barrier for plants. Although many plants survive the winter without damage, most plants in pots are especially susceptible to frost because their roots freeze faster than the plant with grounded roots.

Wintering potted plants resistant to cold healthily
Shrubs and evergreen plants can stay outside during winter, in their frost-resistant pots, but must be protected from sun and wind, in order not to dry. For example, you can use protection against the sun, made of straw mats and a thick layer of mulch made from leaves, conifer branches or spruce. Place the pots on polystyrene, hubs or clay feet between plants and soil to create an isolating air cushion. Place the pots near each other, so as to keep each other warm. If the potting soil is not frozen, bamboo and other plants should be watered winter, because they eliminate a lot of water on sunny and warm winter days.
Wrapping roses to withstand the winter
To ensure that the tall and dwarf roses bloom abundantly next year, you must protect them from the cold wind and the sun especially in winter. The sun heats the coating of green roses and hastens evaporation of water. Because plants are not able to absorb water out of the ground, they dry. Therefore, the branches should be protected with a cover made of sticks, wool or jute. Because graftage is particularly sensitive to frost, spread compost, soil and leaves around the dwarf roses. In regions with mild winters you do not need to do this operation if the graftage is at least five centimeters underground.

How To Protect Plants From Freezing